TWI Arkwright Scholars a step closer to engineering career

This summer saw a highlight in the latest stage of a successful programme at TWI to help young engineers and scientists of all ages realise their career aspirations.


Linking with the Arkwright Scholarships Trust, this initiative in the programme is aimed at sixth formers, and has given scholars Kathryn Baker and William Reade a valuable connection with TWI so they can learn more about innovation in materials joining and engineering, and practise brand new skills as project leaders before starting university.

Arkwright Engineering Scholarship Award winners Kathryn, from Wycombe High School, and William, from Haileybury and Imperial Service College, first visited TWI in their initial term at sixth form for a laboratory tour and to experience a day in the life of a research and technology organisation.

They have since returned for two short periods of hands-on work experience: most recently running a small project, building up their technical knowledge in advanced materials joining techniques and investigating a real-life industry problem. 

The three-day project, carried out alongside TWI’s David Williams and colleagues, looked at the effect of joint variables such as surface preparation on the static performance of bonded metallic single-lap joints.  Kathryn and William produced a set of bonded samples and worked closely with a team to examine the differences using scanning electron microscopy. The scholars gave an excellent final presentation of their findings to the team and a small audience including TWI Director of Research, Paul Woollin.

Kathryn said, ‘ Everyone has been really friendly and made me feel part of TWI during the short time I have been with you. My experience with the Arkwright scholarship has been so useful and what you have done for me has been far more than I was expecting when I first applied. It has also made it clearer to me that materials is the field I want to work in.’

William said, ‘Thank you so much for the past two years! TWI is a fantastic company and I have loved every minute.’

This academic year Kathryn begins her degree in Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Sheffield and William will be studying Electronics Engineering at King’s College, London. We wish them both every success and look forward to their next visit to TWI.

Image: Kathryn Baker and William Reade with TWI Research Director Paul Woollin


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