Behind the scenes – recruitment event planning at Cambridge Network

By Claire Angus - Head of Recruitment Gateway, Cambridge Network

Ruth Carter and Claire Angus

As we hurtle towards the end of the year, there is no real slow down when it comes to event planning, for the recruitment team at Cambridge Network. With the last virtual recruitment event of 2022 coming up in just over 2 weeks’ time, it is full steam ahead, with a big push to get as many jobseekers signed up between now and the 9th of December as possible.

Planning a recruitment event at Cambridge Network, either face to face or virtual, is very chicken and egg. We are never quite sure, as we set the dates for the year, how each will turn out. Working within such a fast-paced sector, we must flex with exhibiting companies and work with whatever is at the top of their agenda when it comes to attracting staff.

Many companies this year have been keen to join our recruitment events to promote their company culture, and share their team triumphs, company benefits and values, with jobseekers. Getting ahead of the game and building a talent pipeline, rather than reacting to live vacancies. Recruitment in 2022 has been fast and furious! With many candidates having at least 3 applications underway, before companies are having their first conversation with them. Having candidates “waiting in the wings” has meant that recruiters have been able to react more quickly to hiring demands.

Our behind-the-scenes work on our recruitment events, begins with picking dates spread nicely throughout the year. Conversations that we have with our members then form the event themes. This determines whether we focus our events towards a specific sector or candidate type. Previous events have included jobs fairs for apprentices, early careers, scientific and tech candidates. Our headline sponsors can pick their theme and we do the leg work. Promoting their roles, interviewing their team for a pre-event article in Business Weekly, and targeting candidates specific to their live vacancies. We build the agenda as more companies join the event, and make sure that we have an interesting careers topic and speaker to run a workshop mid-way through.

Team Consulting have the headline slot on the 9th of December, and we are really looking forward to them opening the event for us. With talks from Iain Ansell their Consulting Director and Peter Matthewson Head of Electronics and Software Group.

The after event follow up, sharing of resources with attendees, attendee analysis and gathering feedback takes a couple of weeks, then before we know it…..we are onto the next one!

If you'd like to register for our 9th Dec jobs fair, please click here

For dates of our 2023 recruitment events and to book an exhibition slot, please email