Anti-poverty strategy aims to help people on low incomes

Cambridge City Council is consulting on a draft Anti-Poverty Strategy for the city and is keen to hear the views of local businesses by 30th January 2015.


The city council has produced a draft anti-poverty strategy and is seeking your views.

The strategy aims to improve the standard of living and daily lives of those residents in Cambridge who are currently experiencing poverty, but also to alleviate issues that can lead households on low incomes to experience financial pressures. The strategy will bring greater focus to the Council's existing efforts to address poverty, while identifying areas where the Council can have even greater impact, including through working in partnership with companies based in Cambridge. In particular the City Council is seeking your views on whether:

  • it has understood the nature and impact of poverty in the city;
  • it has identified objectives that will help alleviate poverty in the city;
  • it has identified actions that will make a difference; and
  • there is evidence to suggest we should be exploring any other possible courses of action or intervention.

To read the full strategy or complete the consultation survey, please visit the Anti-Poverty Strategy homepage or complete the online survey

If you have any questions about this consultation, contact the Strategy and Partnerships team at or 01223 457043.

Post any correspondence to Strategy and Partnerships team, Cambridge City Council, PO Box 700, Cambridge CB1 0JH.


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