Do you run into “problems” when you try to implement a simple change in your business’s tech?

Are you spending more on upkeep than innovation? If so, let's address the big problem: Technical debt.

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➡️ This is where your technology is not keeping up with your organisation and it’s starting to hurt. Kind of like that pile of unwashed dishes in your sink. You can ignore it for a while, but eventually, it becomes a big problem that gets in the way, and you have to do something about it.

➡️ Technical debt is the result of outdated technologies, inconsistencies in the way your setup has developed, and inefficient practises. Just like your growing pile of dishes, technical debt only gets worse over time.

➡️ The consequences? Increased maintenance costs (ouch!), reduced speed and flexible development (double ouch!), and quality or reliability issues (triple ouch!).

➡️ How does this happen? Well, imagine taking a shortcut through a muddy path because it’s quicker. Sure, you get to your destination faster, but now your shoes are dirty. The same goes for technical debt. Short-term decisions might make things happen faster at the time, but they often lead to long-term problems.

➡️ No, the cloud isn't always your knight in shining armour. Like any tool, it requires proper handling. Without understanding its pros and cons, you might end up adding to your technical debt instead of reducing it.

➡️ What’s the solution, then? 💡 💪 Knowledge is power. If you have a technical debt, then acknowledge it and work to remove it. Understand the problem, question how it’s affecting you, and make a long-term plan to get up to speed (and stay there).

👋 If we can help you (with technology, not the dishes), get in touch.

To discuss your VoIP solution, get in touch ☎️ 01223 209 920

#TechnicalDebt #BusinessStrategy #DigitalTransformation

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