End 2016 with newly acquired delegation or time management skills

Finish the year by acquiring some new skills! Courses on offer from Cambridge Network's Learning Collaboration in early December will help you learn how to delegate effectively or how to make better use of your time.

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Both courses are kindly Hosted by Barclays Eagle Labs at 7-8 Clifton Court, Cherry Hinton Road, Cambridge CB1 7BN.

The Manager Masterclass: Delegation & empowerment workshop on Friday 2 December will help you break the ‘vicious circle’ of poor delegation, so you can take a fresh look at your style and task list.

Often people don’t delegate because they believe it is easier and quicker to do things themselves, or else they're afraid that someone else will do it better. Sometimes it is a lack of trust, a fear of rejection - or simply not knowing how to delegate.
The workshop will cover:

  • what delegation is/isn’t
  • blockers to effective delegation
  • areas that can be delegated and to whom
  • rules of good delegation
  • coaching for success when it goes wrong
  • using the ‘Pygmalion’ effect to empower others
  • ‘stop, start, continue’ - areas to take away to work on

 As you leave this workshop with new skills and knowhow, you’ll be looking for opportunities to practice the art of effective delegation with renewed vigour.

Find out more and sign up here

If you never have enough time, Time Management on Tuesday 13 December is a one day programme that will help you develop a strategy for ‘event control’. It will give you a range of tools and techniques to help you plan and organise yourself to be more effective.

You will learn about your own work style  and see how this helps and hinders your time management.

You will also learn how to:

  • establish and plan in your own priorities
  • plan work around your most productive times
  • deal with interruptions so they cause minimal impact
  • avoid procrastination and ‘swallow the frog’!
  • set goals with time lines and milestones
  • decide if a task is urgent , or important, or both
  • make your Outlook or diary work for you.

Find out more and sign up here


See a list of all the upcoming Learning Collaboration courses

Did you know that Cambridge Network membership means you automatically have the right to book on to any of the Network's quality Learning Collaboration courses at any time? A wide spectrum of soft skills, technical and leadership development courses are on offer throughout the year, so sign up now to build your capabilities...

The Learning Collaboration works on behalf of Cambridge Network members to organise, purchase and share training and management development opportunities, delivered locally. That means all members benefit from economies of scale, gaining improved access to high quality professional training courses at value-for-money prices.

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