How to make a success of your MVP

MVPs (minimum viable products) have become all the rage. Everyone from small start-ups to big companies is at it. And yet, many fail miserably. So how do you get your MVP right? 


Chris Dunn Consulting writes:

Back in 2007 Steve Jobs proudly announced that Apple had reinvented the phone.

The iPhone was undoubtedly a “revolutionary mobile device”. But as a phone, it was somewhat limited.

In that sense, it was an MVP – i.e. “the simplest version of a deployable product”

Crucially, it was also a flexible product that could be developed further in the light of feedback from paying customers.

And that’s exactly what Apple has been doing for 13 years now.

The iPhone has been a phenomenal success story.

Read the three secrets to Apple’s success and how to apply them to help you get your MVP right.


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