Measuring the revenue benefits of customer experience

What's the revenue return on your investment in CX? Your CX dashboard may be showing an improving picture in terms of NPS, CSAT, CES, and star ratings. All of which would indicate that your customers are becoming more satisfied and more loyal over time. But how can you be sure that increased satisfaction and advocacy are translating into higher revenue?


One answer is to add to your CX dashboards measures of commercial success that correlate with improved customer success.

Here are four of the best revenue KPIs to track to demonstrate the return on investment of your CX programs.

1. Attachment Rate (AR)
2. Net Revenue Retention (NRR)
3. Customer Retention Rate (CRR)
3. Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV)

And the correlation with your CX investments?

Your attachment rate reflects how happy customers are with the products and services that they've already bought from you. So happy, in fact, they want to add to their experience by buying additional items!

Your customer retention rate helps you better understand why customers stay loyal as well as highlighting opportunities to further improve your customer service.

Net revenue retention highlights your potential both to retain customers by decreasing churn and also to expand revenues through upselling, cross-selling, and referrals.

And finally... although not always easy to measure, customer lifetime value  (CLTV) is the ultimate commercial success measurement. 

CLTV directly correlates with customer experience success because when you seek to improve the lifetime value of your customers you automatically focus on developing better customer experiences that foster retention and repeat purchases. 

Tracking improvements in AR, CRR, NRR, and CLTV will demonstrate to even the most ardent skeptic the value of investing in CX as a driver of revenue growth.

Download our free guide to measuring the revenue return on your CX programs.

To find out more about how you can drive profitable revenue growth through simply outstanding customer experience, book an online consultation

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