New World Spirit at the PROI Worldwide Summit

Sue recently attended her first PROI Worldwide summit in New Delhi, India. The theme for the event was ‘New World Spirit’ – celebrating everything that India represents as a truly incredible country full of opportunity.

Image of a star shape with 'Young Zeals Pitch Competition' written in

Sue writes:

We were given fascinating insights into the speed of transformation the country has undergone in the last decade, becoming head of G20 this year and currently ranking as the 5th largest economy in the world with, an estimation that by 2023 its population is predicted to surpass China. It’s a country immersed in, and excited by, tech with 1.2bn mobile phone users – 95% of which have been proudly made in India. India maintains its position as the world’s third-largest tech start-up ecosystem after the US and China, and in 2022 it added the second-largest number of unicorns globally, with over 23 added. Fascinating stats and insight which contrasted strongly with waking up to the ‘Delhi smog’, thick enough to temper the hot sun on 30+c days.

The overarching message I took from the inspiring sessions on India’s transformation, was the quote:

“If you want to change your country, communication is the tool.”

I couldn’t agree more with this and it’s something we really live and breathe at KISS – whether that’s managing projects throughout the agency, keeping clients on the same page throughout the journey, and growing a thriving culture in the workplace from new starters to old hands – communication is where the standards are set, kept, reflected upon and collaboratively evolved. 

And on that theme, nurturing the next generation of professionals is absolutely critical for ensuring meaningful change in the future. The Young Zeals Pitch Competition was established for exactly this purpose. Launched in EMEA in 2022 by PROI partner agency Atmosphere, the goal was to get junior staff involved to encourage creativity, communications and connections across the EMEA. Its inaugural year was fantastically successful with a really high standard of entries and valuable feedback – teams from 10 countries submitted 29 campaigns. I’m proud to say that KISS will be running the competition this year and I can’t wait to share more on this over the coming months.

Stay tuned for more details on the competition and an update next month from our MD, Sarah, on her insights from our Indian trip.

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