Team Consulting celebrates 4th Employee Ownership Day

Every summer Team Consulting gets together to celebrate EO Day, a national celebration championing the positive impacts of employee ownership on people, the organisation and other trusts.

Team Consulting writes:

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EO Day celebrations in 2017

Team has always been an employee owned business. However, the business transitioned from direct to indirect ownership in 2016 and our trust, Team EOT Trustee Limited, now holds the shares on behalf of all Team employees. This means that all Team employees are co-owners of the business; we all have an equal share in the business and opportunity to shape its leadership and future.

Friday 26th June was to be Team’s fourth EO Day since transitioning into trust ownership. Previous EO day celebrations at Team have seen table tennis tournaments, whole-company cream teas and lots more games and fun. But how to celebrate a day of togetherness and community, when almost all of us are working remotely in our own homes? We had to get creative.

Every single employee received an envelope at their home address containing a square of card to decorate – blank except for a portion of our logo – and another stamped envelope for sending their finished card back to the office. Throughout the day we had open video calls for everyone to drop into, to chat and catch up while we all painted and coloured and decorated our squares.

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As it turns out, there is some serious creative talent in our midst! With all the individual cards posted back to the barn, we put them together to create a big collective mural of our logo. A stunning image of collaboration and togetherness despite our distance from one another.

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As for all businesses, 2020 has been a year of change and challenge. We’ve adapted to working remotely and responded to the government’s COVID-19 ventilator challenge, developing EVA (Emergency Ventilator Apparatus) to treat Coronavirus patients in just six weeks.

When it comes to employee ownership, we bid a fond farewell to our first trustee board chairperson, Stella Wooder, and appointed a new trustee director as Alex Gilbert stepped up to take the role of chair (read about how we did this here). Through it all, our employee ownership continues to contribute to Team’s culture of making people’s lives better – whether that’s the patients using the devices we’ve designed, our clients or our staff. We think that’s something worth celebrating.


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