What now for the future of energy?

Alarming headlines during the past week claimed that we are dangerously close to power shortages and teetering on the brink of a major ‘energy crisis’, following the warning from the outgoing Chief Executive of Ofgem, Alistair Buchanan.

We've taken just 50 years in the UK to become hooked on cheap energy, and in many ways we're poorer as a result
- Julian Allwood

His stark warning leaves us with one simple question: What now for the future of energy?

Across the boundaries of academic disciplines, energy researchers are working vigorously toward a more sustainable future in terms of energy. But what does that future look like in the short term?

This topic is being explored at a number of events being held at the Cambridge Science Festival (March 11-24), one of the UK’s largest free science festivals.

A public panel discussion, The future of energy (March 13), will be exploring this critical issue, and what possibilities exist when looking towards the future. Tim Radford, former Science Editor at The Guardian, will chair this panel discussion with Cambridge researchers Richard McMahon, Julian Allwood, Emily Shuckburgh and Tony Roulstone around challenges in sustainability – technical, intellectual, behavioural and political – and recent developments in energy research toward meeting these challenges.

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Image: Peeking up a pylon's skirt

Credit: MatHampson via Flickr

Reproduced courtesy of the University of Cambridge


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