Tame your computer - find the right word

In her regular series for Cambridge Network members, software training expert Karen Roem offers handy tips to help you 'Tame your computer'. This week she describes how to find and insert a word with a similar meaning (Microsoft Office)...

When you proofread your document or email message before finalising it (you do, don’t you?) do you ever spot that you've used the same word over and over again? If so, do you ever struggle to find a synonym?

 You might know that MS Office offers a Thesaurus, which will suggest other words with a similar meaning to the one you have selected. The Thesaurus button can be found on the Review tab.

Or perhaps you know (or remember this tip) where you can right-click a word? Perhaps you got yourself in the habit of using the ALT + click following  tip 191?

Well, for some weird reason, this last method doesn’t work in PowerPoint, so why not learn a shortcut key that works everywhere?

Here’s how:

1.       Position your insertion point in the word that is to be looked up.

2.       Press SHIFT + F7.

3.       If you want, right-click one of the alternative words and select Insert.

With thanks to Jens for this week’s tip inspiration!


Related shortcuts:

F7: Check the spelling of text

ALT + F7: Find the next misspelling or grammatical error

Related tips:

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26 November 2018

Karen Roem offers software training and support through her company Roem Ltd.  Contact her by email ( Karen@roem.co.uk) or visit her website at  www.roem.co.uk

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