Tame your computer - change the view

In her regular series for Cambridge Network members, software training expert Karen Roem offers handy tips to help you 'Tame your computer'. This week she explains how to quickly switch between day, week and month views (Microsoft Outlook)...

Second Outlook tip in a row – something I normally try to avoid. But as I was preparing for the recent PA day at the Møller Centre I stumbled upon four calendar-related shortcuts that I’ve fallen in love with … switch between day, week and month views without picking up your mouse.

Here’s how:

  1. CTRL + ALT + 1 : show daily view
  2. CTRL + ALT + 2 : show days in the work week
  3. CTRL + ALT + 3 : show entire week
  4. CTRL + ALT + 4 : show month

That's it for this week! If there are topics that you'd like to see covered in future, please let me know.

Related tips:

 Quickly jump between the various Outlook components 

 Jump to a specific date in your calendar 

Jump to a specific date in Google Calendar


Upcoming Roem courses in Cambridge

Word Advanced: Fri 14 December 09:30 – 16:30

Excel Advanced: Tue 08 Jan 09:30 – 16:30

Excel Getting Started: Thu 10 Jan 09:30 - 12:30

Excel Further Use: Thu 10 Jan 13:30 – 16:30

PowerPoint Introduction: Mon 28 Jan 09:30 – 16:30

PowerPoint Intermediate: Tue 29 Jan 09:30 – 16:30

10 December 2018

Karen Roem offers software training and support through her company Roem Ltd.  Contact her by email (Karen@roem.co.uk) or visit her website at  www.roem.co.uk

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