Getting Your Pitch Ready

Is your pitch deck designed to grab investors’ attention and answer their questions? Successful pitch decks are only studied for an average 3 minutes and 44 seconds. That’s why it’s critical to get your pitch worded just right. In this interactive workshop, we will focus on immediate improvements that you can make to your pitch deck. You’ll go away with all the tools to create a pitch that resonates with future investors.

Key topics

Bringing the problem to life

Making the technical accessible

Easy wins for your pitch

Essential elements every pitch needs



Identifying a clear USP

Understanding of pitch deck essentials

Knowing what investors look for in a pitch

Confidence to apply this knowledge



Who is it for?

This programme is for entrepreneurs with innovative ideas looking to raise funding to accelerate their business. It is designed to be useful and inspiring regardless of your level of marketing and pitching knowledge.


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