Online Panel Discussion: Rethinking your Supply Chain Strategy

  What factors should companies be considering when working out a new supply chain strategy and how should companies go about implementing it in the so-called “China plus One” model?

Globalisation had already been under attack prior to the Covid-19 pandemic. Some argue that capital, technology and employment have moved to China as a result of its rising dominance in the global supply chain.  However, Western countries had also been talking about bringing manufacturing home, especially with the ongoing spat between the US and China.  The attempts by the UK government to encourage the rapid development and production of PPE across the country is another example of the desperate efforts by the Western world to stay in control of its critical supply chain and reduce its dependence on China.  

But what factors should companies be considering when working out a new supply chain strategy and how should companies go about implementing it in the so-called “China plus One” model?

To help businesses have a better understanding of these impending challenges and prepare for the strategic changes ahead, Crayfish is holding an online discussion on 16th June, where we will be discussing these important and timely topics with a panel of academic and industry experts in sustainable manufacturing systems, technology and business management, strategic change, mobile, semiconductor, transportation and digital healthcare industries, from both the UK and China.

Chaired by Ting Zhang, Founder & CEO of, the confirmed speakers include:
- Dr Yongjiang Shi, University Lecturer in the IfM and Research Director of the Centre for International Manufacturing (CIM), University of Cambridge.
- Ms Laura Pan, Partner of OFD (Shenzhen).
- Ms Francesca Smith, CEO and Managing Partner, Cambridge Consulting Associates



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