Challenging, growing, cherishing

Simon Hall writes...Want to fulfil your potential, feel invigorated, and make the most of your life? This is critical…

The River Cam in autumnal sunshine

I’ve been scaring myself lately.

But curiously enough, I’ve delighted in it.

First, the easy fear.


I was asked to teach some brilliant degree students how to put together their applications for Master’s courses, or PhD research.

I’ve never done it before, so when I was asked, I hesitated…

But only briefly. Before saying yes.


It's a daunting challenge. 

I’ll be working with some brilliant people, and know nothing like as much as they do about their subjects.

But! What I do know about, hopefully, anyway, is communication.

How to start and end a story, the golden thread of its narrative, what information to include, and how to make it compelling and persuasive.


A job application - or statement of purpose, as these are known - is essentially a story, after all.

So, with a little research around the subject, specifically applications for Master’s courses and PhD research, I realised I could teach it.

The challenge has got my brain buzzing, and I’m loving working out how best to make the workshop come alive.


Next, my second venture into the unknown.

I’ve been doing a lot of wild swimming, but most of it in the summer or early autumn.

Last week, I tried it in what can only be described as Cambridge winter temperatures.


Not to put too fine a point on it, it was bloody freezing.

However, I managed to stay in the Cam for 10 minutes.

And afterwards, felt exhilarated at the achievement…

A wonderful sensation, which lasted for days.

However, whether I will still be wild swimming in January is another question entirely!


Finally, to the big one.

This may mean nothing much to you, but for me it’s a mountain and more.

I was asked to teach at a prestigious university in the Middle East.

It was a lovely offer, a great place to visit, a fascinating experience.


There was just one problem.

It involves a seven hour flight.

And I hate, hate, hate flying.


However! The time has come to stop being a big baby and conquer my fears.

So, I’m going to do it.

To be frank, I oscillate between feeling really proud of myself, and hating myself.

But I’m going to do it nonetheless.


Because I know if I do, from all those other experiences of pushing myself, challenging myself, and stepping into the unknown which I've mentioned…

That’s where I learn, and grow…

And most importantly of all…

Truly appreciate, relish and cherish life.

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