Customer service: From cost to competitive advantage

How do you move from treating customer service as a cost to be managed to a source of competitive advantage and profit? Companies that have created competitive advantage through a focus on customer experience have all followed a similar 5-step process.


The latest UK Customer Satisfaction Index published in Jan 2023 by the Institute of Customer Service indicates shows that customer satisfaction is in decline for two-thirds of organisations.

Undeniably, the cost of living crisis is biting hard and financially squeezing both consumers and the businesses that serve them.

However, the wrong approach is to throttle back on investments in customer experience.

Instead, businesses should adopt a laser-like focus on customer-centricity.

Because the report highlights yet again that those companies that deliver higher levels of customer satisfaction also deliver higher organisational performance and greater profitability.

Companies that have created competitive advantage through a focus on customer experience have all followed a similar 5-step process.

Find out the 5 steps here: How To Take Customer Service From Cost Centre to Competitive Advantage

Of course, if you're working to transform your service operations from a cost centre to a value centre and would like to talk further, feel free to contact Chris Dunn: book a free discovery call.

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