The hidden dangers of free VPNs: Are you at risk?

Breathe Technology writes...Let's take a closer look at free VPN services. Scary stuff.

VPN, data security

Keeping your online activity private and secure has never been more critical, especially when it comes to school and business activities.

Enter VPNs, the knights in shining armour of the internet world. A Virtual Private Network promises to shield your data and keep your browsing habits a secret.

But, as we all know, not all heroes wear capes… and not all VPNs provide complete security.

There are free VPNs – tempting, right? After all, who doesn't love a good freebie? However, before you jump at the zero-cost allure, let’s pause for a moment.

Running a VPN service isn’t a walk in the park. It involves costs: Servers, infrastructure, maintenance, staff. So how do these free VPN services foot the bill? And more importantly, at what cost to you and your privacy?

Our latest article takes a closer look at free VPNs and the potential dangers to your organisation.

Click here to read it now and keep your data private.

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