LC courses boost business skills for Cambridge professionals

Cambridge business professionals who are keen to enhance their own skills – or who want to help others to excel - will benefit from a trio of forthcoming courses organised by Cambridge Network's Learning Collaboration (LC).

Change is the only constant in business so the one-day workshop Developing Resilience at Work on April 16th will help you understand how to develop a resilient attitude to a range of scenarios that may in the past have caused you a high degree of anxiety.

If you're expected to perform effectively in a highly demanding environment, this course will boost your well-being at work by enabling you to sustain peak levels of performance and to develop the adaptability, flexibility and confidence to cope with any situation.  You will understand how your motivation can impact on the morale of your team, gain the ability to bounce back more quickly from adversity, and learn how to change previous responses to pressure to more effective resilient ones.

Later next month (April 24-25), LC is running a course designed for all those who find it difficult to 'think on their feet'.  If you ever sit in meetings wishing you could say something impressive on the spur of the moment; realise that people haven’t read or really understood what you were trying to say in your reports or proposals; spend hours creating presentations that are never quite as interesting as you'd intended them to be; or just wish that you could ‘wow’ colleagues and customers a bit more in your dealings with them, then this course is for you.

Brilliant Thinking Made Easy  is for anyone in business who needs to build their confidence and capability in helping and influencing others with their questions, insights and ideas.

Finally, if you find yourself in the position of mentoring or having to help others in your team, but you're either new to coaching or are unsure about your capabilities, then the one-day Coaching: an introductory workshop  on May 2nd will give you a chance to learn about and practise the skills you need, in a safe and supportive space.

This course will put coaching into context – so you can understand its place in the organisation and the role it plays in helping people to learn, grow and stay motivated under stress. But the greatest part of the day will be spent in practising the frameworks and skills that make great coaches.

Click on the links above to find out more and book your place.

See the full list of LC courses.

About the Learning Collaboration

Are you making the most of the wide range of quality courses available on your doorstep through Cambridge Network’s Learning Collaboration (LC)?

LC works on behalf of Cambridge Network members to organise, purchase and share training and management development opportunities. That means all members benefit from economies of scale, gaining improved access to high quality professional training courses at value-for-money prices.

Network membership means you automatically have the right to book on to any LC course at any time, while some categories of membership actually include LC training units.

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