Writing course will help you tell your story effectively

If you have ever struggled to write a press release or story for the media - or just want to hone your existing PR skills - a course next month from Cambridge Network's Learning Collaboration could provide just the boost you need.

Writing Skills for PR on Thursday 19 October, kindly hosted by Barclays Eagle Labs (7-8 Clifton Court, Cherry Hinton Road, CB1 7BN) is a one day course that will enable you to write press releases and features in an editorial style that will help to raise your organisation’s profile.

The focus of this course is on helping people who write PR material to better understand the needs of reporters and editors when they are selecting and presenting their stories. You will learn how to make your press release the one in a hundred that gets into print, and how to be creative with ideas so you can expand them into full length features.

The workshop is for anyone who is new to writing for PR or wants to re-cap on the special techniques needed for writing press releases, editorial features and advertorials. The day includes plenty of hands-on exercises and feedback, and is ideal for in-house people working in a marketing, publicity or public relations role.

It is equally suitable for middle and senior managers or anyone with a story to tell who wants to raise their profile by getting into the press, and is particularly recommended for participants who until now have found writing to be a struggle. All delegates will come away with a lot more understanding of how to inject fluency, flow and creativity into their writing style.

Find out more and sign up here

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