Free online event to find out more about A Wilder Coton

Be part of helping to create a wilder future in Cambridge for nature and everyone in the city to enjoy. You are invited to a free online event to find out more about A Wilder Coton

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Cambridge Past, Present & Future have recently announced an exciting new project: A Wilder Coton to transform arable farmland on the western edge of Cambridge into new habitats that are rich in nature, help to mitigate climate change and improve community well-being.  Watch a short film about it here, with a voiceover from writer Robert MacFarlane.

The project is the first part of our charity’s long-term vision to transform 300 acres of farmland into a large-scale area of 'wild-belt' at the charity’s Coton Countryside Reserve, serving the city and beyond for generations to come and an even larger vision to help nature recover in and around Cambridge, called the Cambridge Nature Network, which aims to double nature by 2050

If you would like to find out more about how we will make this project happen please join James Littlewood, Cambridge PPF Chief Exec and local Coton resident Professor David Coomes, Director of the Conservation Research Institute at a this free online event at 6pm - 7pm on Monday 11 December.

Hear how the small and dedicated Cambridge PPF estates team, supported by volunteers, will begin to transform 27 acres of arable farmland into a mix of wetland, woodland and meadow at Coton Countryside Reserve that will be rich in nature, help to mitigate climate change and improve community wellbeing. 

They will talk about why this project is needed now, when it will start and outline where this wild-belt work will take place. They will also cover what improvements to biodiversity the conservation work will deliver and how the greenspace will be accessible to the public with new paths, viewing platforms and information. There will be time at the end of the talk for Q&A.

Please book a free ticket on our website and we will send you the joining details.
Book Your Free Online Tickets

Throughout December Cambridge PPF are crowdfunding to raise £30,000 to make the first phase of this project possible. Thank you so much to everyone who has already donated. You can support the Wilder Coton project here and this month every £1, up to £250, is doubled by Aviva Community Fund.

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