New motorized stage brings enhanced precision to Evident IX85 Microscopes
Prior Scientific has introduced new variants of the H117 motorized stages that are specifically designed for Evident (previously Olympus) IX85 inverted microscopes.
High-accuracy sample positioner offers fast travel over 200 µm
Prior Scientific's nanopositioning brand, Queensgate Instruments, has introduced a new, short-range nanopositioning Z-axis sample positioner in response to customer requests.
Large-area scanning for high-speed AFM: latest developments announced
Prior Scientific's Queensgate and NPL revealed their latest breakthrough at Euspen's Special Interest Conference: Precision Motion Systems and Control in November.
Enhance your focusing capabilities with the PureFocus850 Laser Autofocus System
As modern microscopy evolves, autofocus is a critical requirement for many applications. However, for end users, understanding the best options for different sample types or optical systems is often a minefield.
Queensgate awarded funding for fourth research project with NPL
Queensgate, a brand of Prior Scientific, has won funding from Innovate UK, the UK’s innovation agency, for a fourth nanopositioning research project as part of Analysis for Innovators (A4I) program (Round 11).
High accuracy sample positioner now offers up to 800 µm travel
Queensgate’s NanoScan SP800 nanopositioning sample scanner offers high-accuracy positioning performance for longer ranges.
New ISO certifications demonstrate Prior Scientific’s commitment to improved environmental practices
Prior Scientific is now certified to ISO Environment (14001:2015) and Health & Safety (45001:2018).
Prior Scientific achieves EcoVadis sustainability award
Prior Scientific achieves EcoVadis sustainability award
Prior’s robust ProScan® H117 stage enables long-term stability for hyperspatial spectroscopy and ultrafast microscopy applications
The Institute of Applied Physics at the Technische Universität Dresden is well known for its research into the physics of light. The study includes how light interacts with matter, the relationship between light and energy, and what we can learn from the properties of emerging classes of nanomaterials by observing light.
Meet DESI XS – Mass Spectrometry Imaging Case Study
Prior Scientific is known for developing and manufacturing cutting-edge microscope automation, working with OEMs and start-ups to help bring their concepts to market.
Prior Scientific to partner with NPL on third A4I-funded research project
Prior Scientific’s nanopositioning brand, Queensgate, has won funding in round 8 of Innovate UK’s Analysis for Innovation (A4I) program. This is their third successful application within the initiative.
Prior Scientific to launch new Queensgate product after R&D support from Analysis for Innovators (A4I) programme
May 2023 - Instrumentation manufacturer, Prior Scientific, is launching new products after achieving a 'revolutionary' leap in nanopositioning accuracy - after funding from Innovate UK.
New piezo objective scanner offers market leading accuracy and resolution
Queensgate, the nanopositioning brand of Prior Scientific, has announced the launch of the NanoScan OP800 piezo objective scanner.
Introducing the high capacity microscope slide loader
Prior Scientific is pleased to introduce its newest automated slide loader, the SL160.
New high-load wafer stage offers semiconductor manufacturers precise nanometre control of heavy loads
Queensgate’s wafer stage is a new addition to its product line, achieving fast response and settle times using their leading digital closed-loop controllers.
Prior Scientific introduces motorized nosepieces for use with OpenStand microscopes
Prior's motorized objective changer nosepieces are the latest addition to the OpenStand product family to provide customers with additional automation for OEM optical solutions and one-off custom microscopes.
The NanoScan OP400 objective positioner - for high speed, high accuracy, repeatable Z stacking
The new NanoScan OP400 objective positioner from Queensgate Instruments provides high speed, high accuracy and repeatable Z stacking. It is compatible with most microscopes and objective lenses, has a range of optimized settings for different objective sizes, weights, and performance needs.
Prior Scientific exhibits at the Cambridge Museum of Technology
Prior Scientific is exhibiting at the Cambridge Museum of Technology, which has just reopened after a major refurbishment supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund. The temporary exhibition will allow members of the public to see Prior's history over the past 100 years.
Prior Scientific celebrates 100 year anniversary
Swynford Manor near Newmarket, Cambridge, hosted Prior Scientific and its guests for Prior’s 100 year anniversary celebration last week.
Mental Health Awareness Week at Prior Scientific
Mental Health Awareness Week has been in the media a lot this week, and it's great when you see companies helping to break down the stigma attached. This week Prior Scientific introduced two new mental health first aider into its workforce to help look after the wellbeing of its people.
Spring, a hive of activity at Prior Scientific
Spring offers many surprises as things come out from hibernation during the winter period. Prior Scientific this week received an old PriorLux microscope for repair:"After 100 years it's nice to look at our old microscopes and see the impact they are still having on the world around us," says the tream.
Prior Scientific celebrates 100 years
Prior Scientific Instruments Ltd marks its 100th anniversary of the company’s founding in 1919, a rare achievement in today’s business climate.
PureFocus 850 - the ultimate in high speed microscope autofocus
Prior Scientific is proud to announce the release of its new PureFocus 850, a revolutionary autofocus for biological and industrial imaging.
Prior Scientific launches NanoScan NPC-D-6000 Series multi-channel controller
Prior Scientific announces the release of its Queensgate NanoScan NPC-D-6000 Series Multi-Channel Closed Loop digital nanopositioning controllers.